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Sixth form students at The Brunts Academy had the unique opportunity to engage with local parliamentary candidates in a spirited Q&A session organised by fellow sixth form student, Mia. The event, held ahead of the upcoming general election, featured Conservative candidate Ben Bradley and Labour candidate Steve Yemm, who discussed and debated various pressing issues raised by the students.

The candidates answered questions submitted by the sixth formers on topics ranging from child poverty to national service. Mia, who moderated the session, ensured a focused and productive debate, stepping in when discussions on policy funding became particularly heated to remind the candidates that the topic would be addressed later in the session.

Feedback from the students was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing appreciation for the chance to learn more about the political process. One student remarked, "It’s nice to see that someone is trying to make young people more aware of who is making decisions for you."

The Brunts Academy staff and senior leadership also showed strong support for the initiative, with many attending the session. For the candidates, this was a valuable opportunity to connect with the younger members of the constituency, who, although not yet eligible to vote, will be key participants in future elections. Mia expressed her hope that the event would help young people become more engaged in politics, sharing her own frustration at not being able to vote this time around.

A special thank you is extended to both Ben Bradley and Steve Yemm for dedicating their time to this insightful session, and to The Brunts Academy for hosting such an informative and engaging event.