Each of our academies has their own admissions policy which is reviewed and published annually in line with the requirements of the Schools Admissions Code. Please refer to individual academy websites to view it and to find out more about applying to join one of our academies.
All other policies, as listed below, apply within all of our academies. Our Board of Trustees (or a delegated body) reviews those that are required to have non-executive approval in line with the reviewing requirements set out by the Department for Education. All policies are reviewed by executive leaders on an annual basis. The review date for all policies below should therefore be taken as 1 September in the next and each subsequent academic year.
Complaints and whistleblowing
Complaints Policy and Procedure
Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure
Freedom of Information
Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
Data protection
Our equality objectives can be found on the statutory information page.
Safeguarding Policy
Managing Allegations Against Staff
Recruitment, Selection and Disclosure Policy and Procedure
Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School Policy
Careers Provider Access Policy
Early Career Teachers (ECTs) Policy
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Policy
Pupil Behaviour and Exclusions Policy
Relationships and Sex Education Policy
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
Charging and Remissions Policy
Conflicts of Interest Policy for Staff
Conflicts of Interest Policy for Those involved in our Governance
Managing Adult Behaviour Policy
Where a policy refers to the Principal of an academy, please note this should be interpreted to mean the individual named as Principal on the Get Information About Schools website.