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ECT Development

Our status as a Delivery Partner with Ambition for the Early Career Framework means that we can offer you the best possible start to a career in teaching. Each ECT will receive support from a dedicated mentor who will guide you through our excellent ECT programme which offers bespoke support and training tailored towards the specific joys and challenges within each of our settings, as well as the opportunity to learn from senior and experienced staff members. Weekly mentor meetings, regular observations and feedback, team planning and teaching, alongside termly review/assessment points ensure good progress towards meeting all of the teachers’ standards. 

You will receive both in-person and online training alongside other Trust ECTs who are at the same career stage as you, enabling you to network and build your all-important support systems. The two-year training plan is developed by Ambition and is tailored by our central Education team.  This ensures that content is relevant and delivered by experienced colleagues with an interest and expertise in an area relating to education, thereby sharing high quality practice and provision.  The sessions give the opportunity for novice teachers to support and learn from each other in a truly collaborative way. As you move through the ECF you are invited to attend our ECT Plus online sessions. These optional sessions cover areas that have been suggested by previous ECTs and include areas such as SEND, adaptive teaching, and English as an Additional Language (EAL).


ECT Recruitment

As a large Trust we typically employ around 60-80 ECTs each year and many will have completed their initial teacher training course within one of our academies before progressing to ECT induction.

Recruitment to ECT teaching posts is ongoing throughout the academic year, as vacancies arise. Remember to keep an eye on our vacancies page and register for job alerts so you are the first to know when there is a role at your favourite academy.




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Gemma Murison - ECT at Studfall Junior Academy

Which ITT route did you complete?

Assessment Only Route - through Greenwood Academies Trust. 

How is your ECT induction progressing?

ECT induction provides short courses related to work based practice, previous knowledge and areas for development. Nearly halfway through the course I feel supported and more confident. Deadlines and key dates have been really helpful to allow me to keep up with the ECT programme. 

What support is available to you in your academy?

Wide colleague support across whole school. Training courses and weekly team/staff meetings help support planning and organisation. 

A tip for future ECTs?

Invest in a good diary and a notebook! Stick to deadlines as much as possible and always ask if unsure, there is always someone available to help. 

Selena Parkinson - ECT Studfall Junior Academy

Which ITT route did you complete?

I completed the SCITT through the Cambridge Partnership as part of Greenwood Academies and completed the PGCE as part of the course through Anglian Ruskin University.

How is your ECT induction progressing?

The ECT process has been very positive so far. The modules have been a great support for myself and mentor to aid discussions and to look at next steps to continually improve classroom practice. I would say that some modules are very similar to that completed on the ITT course through the Cam Partnership, however, it's been good to revisit.

What support is available to you in your academy?

Academy support has been great, I have frequent meetings with my mentor who is just next door which makes it easy to seek support/guidance. With weekly ECT time, I have been able to observe many others to help aid my progression too. With being a part of a 4-form entry, there is lots of choice as to who to go and observe for different things. We also have support from our ECT lead who we've met with to discuss our progression so far which was very beneficially. They are also available to support with guidance which has been really helpful! Observations from both have been constructive and useful for future practice.

Top tips for future ECTS:

 Stay organised, ask for support and help when needed - everyone is learning and that's why the support is there. Ask lots of questions and observe as much as you can!

Taylor Kenrick - ECT at Studfall Junior Academy

Which ITT route did you complete?

Primary Education (5-11) (QTS) PGCE

How is your ECT induction progressing?

I’m now in my second year of the Early Careers Framework. I have thoroughly enjoyed this year. I have been able to put everything I have learnt from my first year into practice to help the children in my class achieve the best possible outcomes. I look forward to using the last few months of the year to observe others and continue to progress.

What support is available to you in your academy?

I’m lucky enough to work in the same year group as my mentor, Jasmine. If I have any questions throughout the day, I can pop in and ask Jasmine or check in with her at the end of the day. I also regularly meet with my induction tutor, Lindsey. Lindsey observes me once a term and always provides effective feedback and realistic next steps.

A tip for future ECTs?

Believe in yourself! The first year of teaching can be quite daunting, but remember, your school picked you for a reason, ask lots of questions and don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed. 

Tracey Farrell - ECT Induction Lead at Nethergate Academy

I have been supporting two apprentices over the past year, one of whom completed the course in December and one who is at the beginning of her journey. Both have followed the teacher apprenticeship course with Coventry University, the course allows the apprentice to teach within their school supported by a mentor and to experience teaching in a mainstream placement school.

As the ECT mentor at Nethergate Academy I support several ECTs and support them in weekly meetings where we can discuss arising issues, I spend time with them in their classrooms, organise them to observe other teachers, give them feedback and team teach with them. I am always available to them and ensure that our meetings are person centred and focussed on an area decided between us. 

As a mentor my advice to ECTs and trainee teachers is be organised, ask questions - no question is ever too silly to ask, and visit as many other classrooms and teachers as you can - by magpieing ideas from others you can make your life easier.

Lorna Buchanan - ECT at Kingswood Secondary Academy

Which ITT route did you complete?       

My ITT course was with GAT and The Cambridge Partnership. I trained as a Primary Teacher and also completed my PGCE with the University of Cumbria.

How is your ECT induction progressing?

Incredibly well. I have very supportive mentors who have enabled me to have more confidence and belief in myself then I ever have before. Expectations of myself are clear.  I also feel that I am being given opportunities in my training that push me to challenge myself and grow as a teacher. My strengths are recognised and I am being utilised within the academy fulfilling my wider responsibilities as a trainee teacher.

What support is available to you in your academy?

Alongside my ECT mentor, who is an unbelievable teaching role model and all out amazing human being, I am also fortunate enough to work across 3 faculties all with remarkably supportive teams. I can approach anyone at any time with any problem/concern or question and help is offered generously.

A tip for future ECTs?   

Don’t let anything within the job cause you stress or worry. Talk to someone, ask for help. All questions are valid and acceptable if it helps you to understand your role/task. Most importantly - Have fun. If you have fun, the students will have fun and teaching will be the best job in the world. 

Hope Harris - ECT at Kingswood Secondary Academy

Which ITT route did you complete?       

I completed the School Direct non salaried route as an MFL trainee. I applied through GAT and spent most of my training year at a GAT school. This route was hugely beneficial as I was able to develop a lot of confidence within myself and in the classroom. I was very well supported throughout my training year, and this helped me to secure my role as an early career teacher.

How is your ECT induction progressing?

My ECT induction is progressing well. At each assessment period I can reflect on how far I have come as a teacher. Being a second-year early career teacher has given me a lot of exciting opportunities and I have grown to be a very flexible and adaptive teacher.

What support is available to you in your academy?

In my academy there are numerous outlets for support available to me. I have an encouraging and understanding mentor who has really helped me to progress as a teacher and will assist me with anything I need. The ECF lead at my school is truly an inspiration and constantly goes out of her way to make trainees and early career teachers feel at ease. I can go to anyone within my faculty or year team for support and have a very friendly line manager.  At my academy there is a great network of other ECTs, and trainees and we will help each other out or be a shoulder to lean on. This year I have even been fortunate enough to have support from outside the academy and have visited another academy within the trust to network and enhance my training.

A tip for future ECTs?   

My tip for future ECTs would be to build relationships with everyone. Very often you hear about building relationships with students which is very important, but it is just as important to make links with colleagues: from support staff to members of the leadership team. This has really helped me to be surrounded by people that motivate me and to never be afraid to ask for help. Building relationships with parents is also useful.